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Borrowed Grace
Mystery Booster
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Incrementare {1}{W} (Paga questo costo per ogni modo scelto oltre il primo.) Scegli uno o entrambi — • Le creature che controlli prendono +2/+0 fino alla fine del turno. • Le creature che controlli prendono +0/+2 fino alla fine del turno.

Volkan Baǵa

Standard Future Historic Timeless Gladiator Pioneer Explorer Modern Legacy Pauper Vintage Penny Commander Oathbreaker Standardbrawl Brawl Alchemy Paupercommander Duel Oldschool Premodern Predh


  • 2016-07-13 Effects that reduce the cost of spells reduce the total cost, including any escalate costs added.
  • 2016-07-13 If one target of an escalate spell becomes illegal, the other targets will still be affected. If all of the targets become illegal, the spell won’t resolve.
  • 2016-07-13 If an effect allows you to cast a spell that has escalate without paying its mana cost, you pay escalate costs for that spell if you choose more than one mode.
  • 2016-07-13 Additional costs don’t affect a spell’s mana value.
  • 2016-07-13 If two of the chosen modes of an escalate spell target a creature, you may choose the same creature for each mode’s target, or choose different creatures. The same is true if the chosen modes target a player (or opponent).
  • 2016-07-13 You choose all of your modes at once. You can’t wait to perform one mode’s actions and then decide to choose more modes.
  • 2016-07-13 You can’t choose any one mode multiple times.
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