Furioso dei Geodi

Geode Rager
Starter Commander Decks
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Creatura — Elementale

Attacco improvviso Terraferma — Ogniqualvolta una terra entra nel campo di battaglia sotto il tuo controllo, sprona ogni creatura controllata da un giocatore bersaglio. (Fino al tuo prossimo turno, quelle creature attaccano in ogni combattimento un giocatore diverso da te, se possono farlo.)


Il suo nucleo cristallino rifrange la luce nel caos.

Caio Monteiro

Standard Future Historic Timeless Gladiator Pioneer Explorer Modern Legacy Pauper Vintage Penny Commander Oathbreaker Standardbrawl Brawl Alchemy Paupercommander Duel Oldschool Premodern Predh


  • 2020-09-25 Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, each landfall ability of the permanents you control will trigger. You can put them on the stack in any order. The last ability you put on the stack will be the first one to resolve.
  • 2020-09-25 If you leave the game, any creatures you've goaded remain goaded until your next turn would have begun. They don't immediately stop being goaded and don't remain goaded indefinitely.
  • 2020-09-25 Creatures that enter the battlefield or come under the target player's control after Geode Rager's ability has resolved won't be goaded.
  • 2020-09-25 A landfall ability triggers whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control for any reason. It triggers whenever you play a land, as well as whenever a spell or ability puts a land onto the battlefield under your control.
  • 2020-09-25 Attacking with a goaded creature doesn't cause it to stop being goaded.
  • 2020-09-25 Being goaded more than once by the same player is redundant.
  • 2020-09-25 A landfall ability doesn't trigger if a permanent already on the battlefield becomes a land.
  • 2020-09-25 If a goaded creature doesn't meet any of the above exceptions and can attack, it must attack a player other than a player who goaded it if able. It the creature can't attack any of those players but could otherwise attack, it must attack an opposing planeswalker (controlled by any opponent) or a player who goaded it.
  • 2020-09-25 If you goad a creature you control, it must attack, and it must attack a player rather than a planeswalker.
  • 2020-09-25 If a creature you control has been goaded by multiple opponents, it must attack one of your opponents who hasn't goaded it. If a creature you control has been goaded by each of your opponents, you choose which opponent it attacks.
  • 2020-09-25 If a goaded creature can't attack for any reason (such as being tapped or having come under that player's control that turn), then it doesn't attack. If there's a cost associated with having it attack, its controller isn't forced to pay that cost, so it doesn't have to attack in that case either.
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